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第十八章 健身房的偶遇(1 / 3)

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“Did you guys know? The coany is planning to take a big case next year. I heard fronbsp;our CEO.(你们听说了吗?听CEO 说,我们公司明年正准备接一个大的项目。)”澳大利亚同事To然神秘的对着在坐的各位说道。

“Yeah, I also heard it. A tier 1 piano nufacturer approached us last nth. Their contract with Legend Marketing expires soon. They are now actively looking for a rketing agency to be their new partner.(对啊,我也听说了。应该是一个有名的钢琴制造商上个月找上门来了。他们和现在合作的传奇营销公司(Legend Marketing)的合约快要到期了。他们现在正在挑选其他的营销公司做为新的合作伙伴。)”阿拉伯的同事Muhaad也跟着说道。

“Anything happened to Legend Marketing? Why they are looking for a new partner?(传奇营销是发生什么事了吗?为什么不和它续约了啊?)”一个年轻的澳大利亚白人女同事Zoe傻傻的问。

“Don’t ask why, Zoe! Reer that you are working for Maxine now. It is a good thing for our coany, you know. And you really don’t know what happened to Legend Marketing early this year? It was such a big news for the whole industry. Are you for real working in the rketing industry?(Zoe,你还是别瞎替别人操心了!要知道,你现在可是给马克西公司工作的。他们寻找新的合作伙伴对我们来说可是好事。而且,今年上半年传奇营销发生那么大的事,你居然都不知道?这在当时可是业内的大事件。我说你到底是不是在这个行业里工作的啊?)“一位泰国的女同事Lai说完后,有些鄙视的看了看旁边的Zoe.

Zoe 看了一眼这个说话不太客气的女同事,但并没有说什么,而是用委屈又有些期待的目光看向了丛蓉。

“The chairn of Legend Marketing had an ident and passed away early this year. Since then, they suffered a lot and lost so key relationships and clients. But I anbsp;not sure if the tier 1 piano nufacturer that you were talking about is one of their clients. If it is the c

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